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Director’s Welcome Message

The food we eat is important for providing us energy and giving us life,
but it can also lead to disease.

Our bodies are capable of withstanding disease, and can become healthy easily.
Because our bodies are sustained by the food we eat every day, food, not medicine, is the substance that can most effectively regulate our bodies. When food and daily habits are in balance within our bodies, we become healthier. Just as male and female meet is the order of nature, balance is found when two relatives find one another and resonates.

Ecologically Balanced Medicine (EBM) is the study of finding balance within an ecosystem. When food, activity, and our environment are in balance, we can treat our own bodies.

However, despite the development of modern medicine and numerous health information, disease and medical expenses have increased. As a result, more and more people are suffering from pain and anxiety. After consulting a large number of people who are involved with ecologically balanced medicine research over 36 years, we have found that disease does not stem from a lack of specific nutrients, but rather from toxins that pervade through our bodies such as debris, inflammation, active oxygen, as well as poor lifestyles.

Diesel cars need diesel, gasoline cars need gas

When you eat food that resonates with the ecological balance, your ability to digest, absorb, and metabolize optimizes. Food completely burns so that debris, inflammation, gas, and toxins disappear from your body and your automatic regulation function (immune system) becomes normal. Your blood, cells, and tissues become healthier so that your body is able to become free from disease on its own. EBM’s ecologically balanced medicine has the answer to help our bodies become free from disease as we enter the era where the average person will have a 100-year lifespan. We sincerely hope to help create a world where everyone is free of disease and can live healthily.

EBM Center DirectorHuh Bong Su