home EBM Center Introduction Consultation Process

Consultation Process

The EBM Center’s program operates on a reservation basis.

Reservations/Queries : 1588-5018

Hours : Mon. – Fri. 09:00 – 18:00
Weekends (2nd and 4th Saturdays of every month) 09:00 – 18:00
Closed on the first and third Saturdays of every month/Sundays/Holidays

1. Preliminary

Questions to verify dietary habits and disease, symptoms

Examination to verify internal health conditions
Body activity level
Nervous system level
Blood vessel elasticity level
Heart rate distribution level etc.

Food Reactions and Individual Characteristics Examination / Blood Test (Separate Item)

2. Consultation

Dielectric type
1:1 customized food plan,
explanation of food prescription and guidance

3. Follow-up

Individual consultation
Individual consultation with the Director and prescription
Individual consultation with a nutritionist and corrective lifestyle education

4. Therapy

Lymphokinesis therapy

Whole body balance therapy

Heterotopia therapy

Wave therapy